The most important trait to be a friend.

Reliability is the most wanted trait to look for when making a friend. I will talk about this briefly in this essay.

I like a humorous person or an intelligent person but even if the person has such traits, if the person is not so reliable, I cannot be friends with them, because I believe human relationships develop based on trust. If we cannot trust each other, it would be difficult for us to open ourselves up to making a friend. From such trust we can truly enjoy humorous chats or intellectual discussions.

Therefore, being humorous or being intelligent are sub factors for me when making a friend.I think reliability is important for not only developing a friendship but also important in business or gaining acquaintances. That is, reliability is a one basic key factor to developing human relationships.


Original version

Reliability is the most wanted character for to make a friend. I will talk about this briefly in this essay.


              I like a humorous person or an intelligent person but even if the person has such traits, if the person is not so reliable, I cannot make a friend with them, because I believe human relationship develops based on trust. If we cannot trust each other, it would be difficult for us to open our door in our mind to make a friend. On such trust we can truly enjoy humorous chat or intellectual discussion. Therefore, being humorous or being intelligent is a sub factors for me to make a friend.


              I think reliability is important for develop other human relationship too, like on business or getting acquaintances. That is, reliability is a one basic key factor to develop human relationships.