John Lennon

If I could travel back in time to meet any individual from history, I would like to meet John Lennon. Tell your three reasons briefly…. First, I would like to explain about current social and political situations now, and then, I would ask him how does he feel about the current music scene, which is very different from the 80’s when he was killed. Especially, I’d like to know what does he think about digital technology’s influence on the music distribution system. Secondly, I would expand this topic to how does he feel about cutting edge technology’s influence on giant stadium concerts like what Paul McCartney is doing these days ie, big screens, translated subtitles, etc. Thirdly, In the end, I’d like to ask about what he thinks about current social and political issues. For example, how we can apply his 70’s political message to the modern world. Finally, what message does he want to send people living in this globalized and digitalized world.