Book review "The Good Earth" by Perl Buck

Today, I AM introducING an interesting novel called The Good Earth that is written by AN American nobel laureate author, Pearl Buck. This is A saga about three generations in China.

         The story begInS WITH a poor Chinese farmer’s life. He was an honest hard working man. Thanks to he and his sincere wife’s efforts and good luck, he becOmeS a somewhat rich man. However, after that, his attitude of life changes BECAUSE OF his success and money. His CHILDREN’s liVES also change.

         The reason I recommend this novel is that it is a good story telling novel and it describes Chinese late modern history very well, the era of colonization and revolutions because BUCK WAS brought up in China. She describes Chinese contemporary life realistically. This novel became a bestseller and she got the Pulitzer prize and the nobel prize in literature.

Orizinal version


Today, I introduce an interesting novel called The Good Earth that is written by an American novel laureate author Pearl Buck. This is the saga about three generations in China.


              The story began from a poor Chinese farmer’s life. He was an honest hard working man. Thanks to he and his sincere wife’s efforts and good luck. He became a somewhat rich man, however, after that his attitude of life changes for his success and his sons and daughter’s life changed.


              The reason why I recommend this novel is it is a good story telling novel and it describes Chinese pre modern history very well: the era of colonization and revolution because Perl brought up in China so she describes Chinese life realistically. This novel became a best seller and she got the Pulitzer prize and the novel prize of literature.