A letter to great great grandson

Dear great great grandson,

How have you been lately? I am fine here in THE 21st century. I will answer your question in this time travel t-mail about what life WAS like in this century.

In the late 20th century, THE computer and the World Wide Web developed rapidly. Now, thanks to these technologies, we can get information easier and we can communicate with people in the world easier. Because of this, the globalization is happening now, which means the world economy is coming to connect interdependenTLy for the first time in human history and a lot more information is coming to be shared on the internet. Moreover, we can even attend A virtual English class online.

These are some examples of what life was like in this century. I am looking forward to receiving your reply. It would be wonderful to KNOW WHAT your time’s life is like.

Best wishes,

Your ancestor.


Original Version


3.) Write a letter to your great great great grandson/granddaughter about what life was like when you were alive.


Dear my great great grandson,


              How have you been lately? I am fine in here in 21st century. I will answer your question the other day. What is life is like in this century.

              In late 20th century, computer and the World Wide Web developed rapidly. Now, thanks to that technology, we can get the information easily and we can communicate with people in the world easily. Because of this, the globalization is happening now, which means the world economy is coming to connect interdependency for the first time in human history and a lot more information is coming to shared on the internet. Moreover, we can even attend the virtual English class online.

              These are some examples of what life was like in this century. I am looking forward to receiving your reply. It would be wonderful to tell your time’s life is like.


Best whishes,


Your Ancestor.