Reading fiction (such as novels and short stories) is more enjoyable than watching movies?

A lot of movies have been made that are based on novels; however, I prefer watching movies over reading novels. I will explain the several reasons for it in this short essay. Time The first reason is that Most films take around 2 -3 hours to watch but if I read novels, it would take far more than hours. Therefore, I can watch movies easily and save my time. Image Next, Movies can show a lot of different images by using shooting techniques, editing and computer graphics. Even though stories can describe more details than films, novels can only urge the readers to imagine the scenes. Music and sound effect Also, this is one of the most difficult things that novels and stories can describe. Even if stories explain a melody and rhythm in a book, readers cannot hear the actual sound of the music. In this short essay, I discussed the different qualities between movies and novels. Even though novels can urge reader’s imagination more than movies, movies are able to give experience by stimulating an audience’s senses. Moreover, it takes less time than reading novels in general. Thus watching movies is more enjoyable than reading novels.