Write a story that includes these four things: 1) a remote control 2) a movie theater 3) a ski resort 4) a glass of wine

I saw a dream this morning. I was at the top of the mountain in a ski resort and mist appeared around me. I felt chilly and a bit spooky, so I quickly was trying to get away from that smoky place. Probably, it was a gate of heaven but I had not prepared for going there. That is why I was away from there. After I wake up, I noticed my aunt message in the answer phone. That said that my uncle past away. I was feeling lost deeply. At that moment, I found a remote control on a table with a left over grass of wine. I began to imagine if this remote controller could control the time backward. I can meet him again. And he could be alive again in a big movie theater called Life Theatre. Aka Ken I had a dream this morning. I was at the top of the mountain at a ski resort and then mist appeared around me. I felt chilly and a bit spooky, so I quickly was trying to get away from that smoky place. Probably, it was the gate to heaven, but I had not prepared to go there. That is why I was away from there. After I woke up, I noticed my aunt’s message that she had left on my phone. It said that my uncle had passed away. I was feeling deeply lost. At that moment, I found a remote control on a table with a leftover glass of wine. I began to imagine if this remote controller could go back in time. I could meet him again. And he could be alive again in a big movie theater called Life Theatre.