Movie review "Contact"

One of my all time favorite movies is Contact, which is based on Carl Sagan’s novel. I’d like to explain about this movie and its themes in this essay. The author Carl Sagan was an astrologist who introduced his knowledge to ordinary people in (through) his bestselling books and the popular TV series Cosmos. In Contact, he described his view of the universe with fantasy based on his scientific knowledge. Jody Foster is the protagonist of this film, who is searching for ET from radio waves coming from outer space. One day, she finally received the radio waves from ET and then, she found the formula for how to create the warp machine to go deep inside of space. The themes of (in) this film are “Are we alone in the universe? What is science? What is religion? academic harassment, fanatic cults, family love and romance, etc. These themes are described in the film in really beautiful images and with interesting storytelling. Actually, after I watched the film, I was overwhelmed and couldn’t leave my seat for a while. It was totally the most amazing film I’ve ever watched.


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One of my all time favorite movies is Contact, which based on Carl Sagan’s novel. I’d like to explain about this movie and its theme in this essay. The author Carl Sagan was a astrologist who introduced his knowledge for ordinary people in his another bestseller book and popular TV series Cosmos. In this novel and movie, he described his view of universe with his scientific knowledge and fantasy. Judy Foster was a protagonist of this film, who was searching for ET from radio waves coming from outer space. One day, she finally received the radio wave from ET and she found the formula of how to create the warp machine to go for deep inside the universe. Themes of this film are “Are we alone in the universe? What is science? What is religion? academic harassment, fanatic cult, family love and romance etc. These themes describes on the film in really beautiful image and interesting story telling. Actually, after I watched the film, I was overwhelmed and couldn’t leave a sheet for while. It was totally amazing film I ever watched.