130,000 people demonstrated in front of the national congress in Japan because the current hawkish Prime Minister Abe and ruling party, LDP, were trying to pass several very controversial bills. These bills are the so-called war bills. If these bills pass, the Japanese self-defense force will fight overseas to support the alliance, mainly the U.S. militant actions. However, in the Japanese Constitution, Article 9 allows for military actions only in self-defense. Most of all, the constitutional scholars and lawyers say that this bill clearly violates Article 9. More than 60% of Japanese people are against this bill or believe that more open dialogue and discussion is necessary. Many people think that because of Article 9 we could have refused to join the Vietnam War and other cruel wars that the U.S. has been involved in. Unfortunately, the other day, this bill was steamrolled in the Upper House as well as the Lower House. To establish the laws against the Constitution caused further controversy because in a democratic legal system, any laws against the Constitution cannot be established. And these war bills will force the defending soldiers to fight in dangerous double-standard positions in actual battlefields.